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Why Is Math So Important For A Student In Singapore

Why Is Math So Important For A Student In Singapore

Mathematics is often frowned upon and regarded by students to be one of the more tedious and uninteresting subjects that they learn in their schools. However, math is something we deal with daily, and it is essential to our lives. From grocery shopping to calculating bills to managing our finances, the uses of math never seem to end, and we cannot stress more the importance of mathematics both in schools and how math can be applied to everyday life. Here are some reasons why mathematics is so essential for a school student.

Widens your choices of post-tertiary education 

Suppose you are under the impression that mathematics only applies to math and science courses. In that case, you are in for a shock because most of the courses in a polytechnic require at least a pass for math as it will be part of the curriculum. Even media courses now have a minimum passing requirement grade for math for entry. If your child has not yet explored their interests and is looking to enter a junior college, they require at least a passing grade for mathematics too. There is certainly no escape from mathematics. Students in secondary school need to perform well in it to ensure they have a wide range of options to choose from when pursuing their post-tertiary education, locally and abroad.

Financial literacy

We are in a money-making world, and controlling your finances is vital in building your wealth from a young age. Mathematics gives students a basic understanding of budgeting and savings, how to cut costs, how budgeting can help them reach their financial goals and if they can afford their purchases soon. Later, when they grow up, this basic understanding will also help them make more informed decisions, such as loans to buy houses and how to invest in the stock market using profits and losses. These life skills will not be taught elsewhere.

Analytical thinking

Mathematics also teaches students to use their mathematical ability to solve significant problems and utilize their critical thinking skills to find creative solutions and make better decisions. Critical and analytical thinking also allows one to understand themself better, their motivations and goals. It is a critical skill in any profession your child will be pursuing and is one of the most sought-after skills by employers. Employers are looking for candidates who can do their jobs and have skills that will enable them to be high-level problem solvers in professional settings.


 If your child needs to perform better in mathematics and needs the extra push, we recommend sending them for tuition to get coached by a professional tutor. Over at Glenn Lee Learning Centre, we provide elementary and additional math tuition for secondary school students. We also offer additional mathematics tuition in Singapore, IB Math tuition along with O Level Physics tuition and O Level Pure Chemistry tuition. Our dedicated tutors work hard to instill the proper mental habits in approaching mathematics and cultivate the mindset that will motivate your child to do well in their studies. Glenn Lee Learning Centre is the right choice if you are looking private tutors for O Levels in Singapore. To find out more, contact us, and we will be happy to inform you about the tuition services available.